Free Mechanism of Action Quiz – NAPLEX

The NAPLEX Exam will test your ability to recognize the mechanisms of action for every medication. This free NAPLEX mechanism of action quiz will help you assess your knowledge of drug names.

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Important Information: NAPLEX Mechanism of Action

As you can see below, knowing the mechanism of action for each medication is necessary! The NAPLEX Competency Statements section 2 reads as follows:

  • 2.1 – Pharmacology, mechanism of action, or therapeutic class
  • 2.2 – Commercial availability; prescription or non-prescription status; brand, generic, or biosimilar names; physical descriptions; or how supplied
  • 2.3 – Boxed warnings or REMS
  • 2.4 – Pregnancy or lactation

(Click here if you would like to review the full NAPLEX competency statements)

Working through this brief, free mechanism of action quiz will help give you a sense of topic areas you need to improve upon.

NAPLEX Review Course and Question Bank

If you are looking for a comprehensive NAPLEX Study Guide with practice questions (nearly 2,000) and a review course (nearly 30+ hours), check out our NAPLEX All Access Pass!

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  1. Mary Fleming

    Do you have the top 200 drugs study guide you mentioned on your podcast?

    • Eric Christianson

      Hey Mary, thanks so much for reaching out! You can find that at – simply subscribing by email will get you access. Let me know if you are having trouble!


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Written By Eric Christianson

June 29, 2022

Study Materials For Pharmacists


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