Humbling Review – The Thrill of the Case

The Thrill of the Case

Fear of putting myself out there has always been challenging for me.  It is something that I try to work at on a daily basis.  Whether it be speaking engagements, new educational opportunities, or simply attempting to contact some by email, these are hurdles where doubt creeps in.  I recently created The Thrill of the Case based off of some of my favorite case studies and clinical pearls.  Thank you to those who have purchased it, I have been humbled by the support. (PS if you have a quick minute, I would love a rating and review on Amazon 🙂

Back to the fear.  One of the coolest things about this blog and the new podcast has been the ability to reach other healthcare professionals.  This has been a goal for me to try to help advance the profession of pharmacy and I have sought out ways to do that.  The blog was kindly mentioned in an article for PA and NP students on a unique website called MidlevelU. My fear got in the way for a few days as I wanted to reach out and tell them about the new book and also wanted to thank them for mentioning my blog.  I’m thankful I got over that fear.

That email conversation led to an opportunity to get my book into the hands Erin Tolbert of who the creator of MidlevelU.  I was fearful that she wouldn’t like it, or maybe even more fearful that she would not think it was of value to her NP/PA colleagues.  I was also scared that I was wasting her time and that she would use it as a doorstop.

She didn’t do any of those things.  She gave me an incredible endorsement in front of her audience of thousands of healthcare professionals. I greatly appreciate it. Here was one of the quotes from the article.

“From quick case studies to helpful one-pagers like “When to discontinue statins in the elderly”, “Managing drug-resistant hypertension – 5 questions to ask” and “Medication induced yawning”, Christianson shares common medication scenarios, errors, interactions and other tips based on his experience as a pharmacist. “

The full article on The Thrill of the Case can be found here. I hope this lesson teaches you that the next time you are sitting on the fence about whether or not to take action, just do it.  You never know what it might lead to.



  1. Javed

    I always appreciate your work. Recently I came across your book “the thrill of case” . Isn’t available in Canadian store? I would love to buy.

  2. Tia Mack

    This book was my “I don’t feel like studying but let me at least review something” book lol. It was a GREAT way for me to easily assess where I was in preparation for BPS and what I needed to further review. Even beyond the exam, I’m certain I will find myself toggling through the cases. They’re awesome! Years of experience packed into one book that’s easy to read, straight to the point yet packs a punch. You can’t beat that! Keep it up, you’re truly making a difference!

  3. Yali

    Hi Eric, you deserve the recognition!!! You have done so much not only for pharmacy professions, but also healthcare professionals across all disciplines. I thank you for all you do!!!

    • Eric Christianson

      Appreciate that 🙂 – I have had quite a few guest contributions from other pharmacists that have been incredibly helpful!

  4. Shree priya

    Great job hear this . I am happy because this book is available in india at an affordable price thank you for this sir

  5. ABDUL

    I too had doubts about my skills and knowledge. In fact, I used to shy a way from making bold career moves in fear of discomfort and failure. You have shown me what it takes to be great. Simply be yourself, and give generously. I thank you, Eric for what you have done and continue to do. Your material is easy to read and to the point. I am now seriously considering advancing my career with your help grateful for your decision to put your self ( a precious diamond) out there. You enriched the world of pharmacy!!!!

    • Eric Christianson

      Thanks so much for the kind words!


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Written By Eric Christianson


October 3, 2018

Study Materials For Pharmacists


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