Because many have asked, we’ve created the 1-year option for our popular NAPLEX All Access Pass. This is our best-value product! With a drop in the pass rate of the NAPLEX exam and a switch to a more clinical exam over the recent years, we wanted to create some...
The NAPLEX® has certainly changed over the last few years and become a much more difficult exam. With a shift towards a more clinical style NAPLEX exam, I’ve designed our NAPLEX review course to reflect those changes. The NAPLEX becoming more clinical is a...
I have two 250 NAPLEX practice exams available for sale and they have been updated based upon customer feedback for 2018. Both will be beneficial in your prep to becoming a PharmD! There’s no reason to buy each individually when I will give you a significant...
Study Materials For Pharmacists
Free 18 Page PDF On The Most Notable Drug Interactions!